Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Comic Review: Witchblade Takeru Manga Vol. 8

Witchblade Takeru MangaWitchblade Takeru Manga Vol. 8
Written by Yasuko Kobayashi
Art by Kazasa Sumita
Colors by Blond
Letters by Troy Peteri
Top Cow Productions
Cover price: $3.99; On-sale: Sept 19, 2007

Manga is an entirely different art form than the western comics I’m used to reading, requiring alternative modes of visual interpretation. Luckily, Witchblade Takeru Manga Vol. 8 gives readers -- new to the series and manga itself -- plenty of time to acclimate.

One of the most striking aspects of the book (written by Yasuko Kobayashi with artwork by Kazasa Sumita), in relative connection to what I typically see as manga style, is the dynamic vibrancy the book maintains throughout the issue -- from character rendering to the full-color displays utilized from page to page...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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