Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Comic Review: First Born #2

First BornFirst Born #2
Written by Ron Marz
Art by Stjepan Sejic
Cover by Dale Keown (A), Stjepan Sejic (B)
Letters by Troy Peteri
Top Cow Productions
Cover price: $2.99; On-sale: Sept. 26, 2007

Since everyone has to have their own big summer event, Top Cow brings us First Born, a tale set to shake the very foundations of the Top Cow universe and make sure that nothing is ever the same!! If I sound a bit cynical, it's only because I've been around comics long enough to have seen all this before. It probably doesn't help that outside of the first few issues of The Darkness, I've never been a big reader of the Top Cow line of books. I'm sure fans of these books are anticipating this mini and probably enjoyed the first issue [see review here]. Non-fans might have less reason to pick this up, although it's not completely without merit. The event smacks of a “Me too” attitude that crashed these kinds of things in the late 90s. How many event minis did Wildstorm produce in their heyday, and how many of those does anyone actually remember as being any good? With so many things going on at Marvel and DC, it's hard to see any other companies jumping on as anything but a cash grab...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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