Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Details of 'Atonement' Long Tracking Shot

AtonementBack in September when I first received assets for Atonement, I'll admit, at first glance I thought it was a typical period-piece tragic love story. I figured there's a war and lovers are kept apart by it (you can't blame me, the first images were of Keira Knightley in a war-time nurse's uniform and James McAvoy in Army gear!). And while I don't necessarily have a problem with this genre, I just figured Atonement was average fare, nothing to really take notice of.

Then I watched the trailer and the clips and read a little bit about the book by Ian McEwan and as you can see where I wrote here, while Atonement is labeled a "British romance," it's really much more than that...continue reading this article at Geeks of Doom!

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