Monday, January 14, 2008

Movie Reviews: The Savages

The Savages movie posterThe Savages
Directed by Tamara Jenkins
Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Laura Linney, Philip Bosco
Rated R
Release date: Nov. 28, 2008 (Limited)

"I wish I could just sleep until I was eighteen and skip all this crap-high school and everything-just skip it." -- Dwayne Hoover from Little Miss Sunshine

"We’re doing the right thing, Wendy. We’re taking better care of the old man than he ever did of us." -- Jon Savage from The Savages

The Savages: Close To The Bone

The Savages is brutal, honest, funny, and very painful to watch. Tamara Jenkins has crafted a film that hits so close to home for me that I was tempted to walk out at several junctures. This is not to say that she has made a bad film -- nothing could be further from the truth. The Savages is an unflinching look at what it means to grow old in America -- what it means when the children of aging parents have to step up and take responsibility...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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