Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Game Review: Beowulf--The Game (Xbox 360)

Beowulf: The Game (Xbox 360)Beowulf -- The Game
Genre: Action/Adventure
ESRB Rating: Rated M
Developer: Ubisoft
Platform: Xbox 360
Price: $19.99; Released: Nov 2007

In the interest of full disclosure, I never saw the CGI motion-cap Beowulf flick. So I wasn't going into this game with any expectations, good or bad. I wasn't hoping it would live up to the movie; nor was I hoping it would be better than the movie… I just wanted a fun, action-packed game that allowed me to run around and kick ass in epic style fashion. After all, this is based on the poem that pretty much inspired every epic fantasy story ever told...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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