Sunday, January 27, 2008

Comic Review: Hybrid Bastards

Archaia Studios Press-Hybrid BastardsHybrid Bastards
Written by Tom Pinchuk
Art by Kate Glasheen
Archaia Studios Press
Cover Price: $3.50; On sale: Dec. 12, 2007

There's a story that gets told a lot where I live, it goes something around these lines: One Kid, his name doesn't matter as far as storytelling is concerned, isn't having his best day ever, in fact, he feels morose and he finds himself longing for something even if he doesn't quite know what that something is, but that's true for a lot of us. Now in the interest of full disclosure I have to say that this story is not intended to serve as a moral lesson in any shape or form, moving on...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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