Thursday, January 17, 2008

Movie Review: Pocahauntus

Pocahauntus movie posterPocahauntus (2006)
Directed by Veronica Craven
Written by Veronica Craven, Barry J. Ratcliffe
Starring Lisa Allen, Chris Angelo, Stephanie Basco, Julia Bindi

This is why I've been dissatisfied with the gushy and overly ecstatic reviews of cheap, DTV movies on horror sites. It isn't because they're stupid or have poor taste or are just cronies to the genre, hoisting the "SUPPORT HORROR!" flag until they're dead to the last man. It's because the nuts and bolts of horror, the actual structural exoskeleton, is so easy that ANYBODY thinks they can do it. And that's the problem. "ANYBODY" does...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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