Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weekly Comic Book Pulls for 12-28-07

Weekly Comic Book PullsUltimate Power #9
Yep, that sure was an ending, wasn't it? Jeph Loeb brings this series to a close, not with a bang, but a whimper. There are maybe two surprises in the whole thing, although if you've been reading Ultimate Spider-man, it kind of explains a pretty major plot point. It's not awful but like the whole series, it's just way underwhelming. The series rushes to a conclusion without any major drama. The art from Greg Horn is his usual work, so you can take it or leave it. Again, not bad just largely lifeless. If this was supposed to be a major event, than Marvel really missed the boat. ---3 out of 5
...come see what else Henchman21 has been reading at GEEKS OF DOOM!

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