Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Comic Review: Atomic Robo #4

Red 5 Comics - Atomic Robo #4Atomic Robo #4
Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegener, Zack Finfrock
Colors by Ronda Pattison
Letters by Jeff Powell
Red 5 Comics
Cover price: $2.95; On sale: Jan. 16, 2008

I gave the ending of the last issue a bit of a hard time, since the issue just kind of stopped without any indication it was the end. Well, it's okay, because the story continues here, before going into another flashback. I was kind of worried about this series after the last issue, but with issue number four, it's rocketed right back into my heart, with probably my favorite issue so far. I think I enjoyed it so much because it lived up to my expectation of what I thought the series was going to be, as opposed to what the first three issues actually were. That said, I'm really starting to enjoy the main character as I get a feel for his personality, and this issue helps to fill in some of the reasons why he is the way he is...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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