Saturday, December 29, 2007

'Indiana Jones' and the Land of the Links

The Complete Making of Indiana JonesI have been on an Indiana Jones high ever since Christmas when Dave3 gave me The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, Volume One - The Early Years. Well, if you ask my Dad, he'll say I've been on an Indy high since he took me to see Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, so I'll say on a super-high since Christmas.

Just yesterday, UK Doomer Dizzy Alien and I were talking about how beyond stoked we both are for the fourth film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Diz wanted to call dibs on the movie review, which I totally understand, her being such a great fan of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas (as am I). But as it turns out, I've had hypothetical, theoretical, and actual dibs on the review since the first moment of any hint of a fourth movie was rumored...continue reading this article at Geeks of Doom!

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