Thursday, December 13, 2007

Eleven Questions with T.E. Pouncey: Christopher Moonlight

(because ten questions aren’t enough — and who has time to read twelve?)

Christopher MoonlightChristopher Moonlight Cooksey is the creator of the goth comic The Black Lipstick Curse, which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. "I first wanted to be an artist when I saw a show they use to have on late night MTV called This Is Horror, hosted by Stephen King," Chris said. "They were spotlighting an FX artist and I just thought he had the coolest job. It wasn't until a comic shop opened in my town that I wanted to be a comic artist."

X-Men legend Paul Smith took Chris under his wing and showed him the ropes of a studio when Chris was a teenager.

"My best friend, Frank Kane, was instrumental in showing me how to write a comic, and we've been working together ever since," Chris said. "My first published works were The Third Eye 2001 annual anthology, and as a contributing artist in Supernatural Law's Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Special, by Batton Lash. The artists that inspire me the most are Eddie Campbell, Dan Brereton, Alex Ross, and Dave McKean."...continue reading this AWESOME interview at Geeks of Doom!

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