Monday, December 10, 2007

DVD Review: Nirvana: Unplugged In New York

Nirvana-Unplugged In New York DVDNirvana: Unplugged In New York
Geffen Records
Available now

It is with a tinge of irony that a band who took The Pixies’ loud-quiet-loud approach to songwriting into the stratosphere found one of their finest career moments on a candle-lit stage with acoustic instruments and backed by a cello. Performed in front of a live studio audience on November 18, 1993, and broadcast on MTV a month later, Nirvana Unplugged In New York is arguably the best episode in the station's scattered series and as one of the last "officially" recorded releases in Nirvana's catalog, a somber reminder of the range and influence the noisy Seattle band had...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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