Tuesday, December 18, 2007

DVD Review: Stardust

Stardust DVDStardust
Directed by Matthew Vaughn
Starring Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro
Paramount Home Entertainment
On sale: Dec. 18, 2007

Stardust was one of my most anticipated films of the year. Given its light-hearted adult-oriented fairy tale adventure premise, I knew it'd be something I'd enjoy. Add on the fact that it was adapted from one of my favorite novels written by my most favorite author Neil Gaiman, and you get a movie that's made just for me.

My biggest fear -- as always with adaptations -- was, would director and co-screenwriter Matthew Vaughn get it right? Previous to Stardust, Vaughn directed the action flick Layer Cake, which is far from a fantastical special effects masterpiece. Then I read that when setting out to make this movie, Vaughn was going for "Princess Bride meets Midnight Run" (a statement the director reiterates in the "Making Of" featurette on this DVD release) -- not a bad combination...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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