Friday, November 16, 2007

Movie Review: Beowulf

Beowulf movie posterBeowulf
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Starring Ray Winstone, Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Robin Wright Penn
Rated PG-13

Before the dissection begins, allow me to give you my overall generic gut-instinct first-impression sentiment: Beowulf is an amazing movie that's visually stunning and highly engrossing; I totally recommend it, especially in IMAX 3D. I preface my review with this simple statement because no matter what else I say about the movie in the next 800 or so words, I know damn well that when Beowulf comes out on DVD, I'm going to own it and when Beowulf airs on cable television, I'll watch it every time it's on just because it's on ... because it's entertaining.

But Beowulf is no ordinary film. It's controversial not for its violence and nudity or any artistic liberties taken in translating the sixth-century Old English poem onto the big screen. Nope, it's causing a stir because it's an animated movie that refuses to accept that its an animated movie, therefore, the audience can't accept it either...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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