Monday, November 19, 2007

DVD Review: 'Mystery Science Theater 3000 Volume 12'

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Vol. 12 DVDMystery Science Theater 3000
Volume 12 Box Set Collection
Created by Joel Hodgson
Rhino Home Video
Available now

The irreverent and innovative comedy program Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been off the air since 1999, and still it garners fanatical devotion from the younger set and fan-sites-o’-plenty. I was twelve when I first saw and fell in love with this show. The episode was ROCKETSHIP X-M, y’know, the Lloyd Bridges movie? I also saw the actual movie they put into theaters four times and it was the only instance I ever almost literally died laughing. Seriously. I nearly choked to death on a SweeTart at the line “So this is what the world must sound like to Pete Townshend…"...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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