Saturday, November 17, 2007

Comic Review: ChiSai - Karma

ChiSai: Karma - The Complete Collected Edition
Written by Bart A Thompson
Various Artists
Approbation Comics
Cover Price: $3.50; Available Now

A lone mystery man has been making the life of crime lord Jeno a living hell with a constant barrage on his henchmen and bank accounts. Jeno has searched through his entire payroll looking for the perpetrator, only to discover that this "man" is actually a woman by the name of Shy, a young trained assassin that used to be in his employ and had thought to be left for dead. Armed with a katana and retractable matching sais, and protected head to toe with bulletproof armor, Shy is out to destroy Jeno's empire before finally facing him one last time...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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