Friday, November 2, 2007

Book Review: I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story

I, Lucifer book cover
I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story
By Glen Duncan
Grove Press

Shall we start with the opening sentence of the opening chapter?

I, Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell, Lord of the Flies, Father of Lies, Apostate Supreme, Tempter of Mankind, Old Serpent, Prince of this World, Seducer, Accuser, Tormentor, Blasphemer, and without a doubt Best Fuck in the Seen and Unseen Universe (ask Eve, that minx) have decided – oo-la-la! – to tell all.

I saw this book with its striking red cover positively leaping off the shelf as I passed it while on an escalator. An escalator? Where to you ask? Heaven? Hell? (I hope) No. To the first floor of a multistory bookstore in the heart of Manchester. Great...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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