Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Hellraiser Project: Hellraiser IV: Bloodline

Hellraiser IV: Bloodline dvd coverIt is an article of resentment of my name becoming synonymous with a certain pin-headed sadomasochist from the far reaches of hell, that when good ol’ Pinhead showed up on this last week’s episode of South Park getting beheaded in Imaginationland by Jesus Christ, every atheistic impulse in my body fell by the wayside as I screamed “GET HIS ASS! FUCK ‘IM UP, LORD!”

This could be the first signs of stir craziness at this assignment, or that I have seen the first truly awful Hellraiser movie, Hellraiser: Bloodline. This movie blows not only goats, but everything in the barnyard and THEN rims the farmer. Those of you thinking I was being too good-natured about an undertaking such as this and WISHING for my old motherfucker self to pop up need wait no longer. I barely even made it through the opening credits alive, once I saw that this little flicker-show is directed by one Alan Smithee.

For those of you not in the know, here is the story of Alan Smithee: He doesn’t actually exist, but rather he is the pseudonym that the Director’s Guild of America places on movies that had creative control wrested from their directors by the studios and executives. The name has covered the work of people like Don Siegel (Dirty Harry) and Academy Award nominee Arthur Hiller (Love Story) for Death of a Gunfighter and Burn Hollywood, respectively. So if ever you see the name Alan Smithee on a movie, know that this movie was not made by a director who knows about film, but by a suit who knows only demographics...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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