Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Music Review: The Simpsons - Testify

The SimpsonsFrom the very beginning, The Simpsons have always used music and parodies of popular music, themes songs, and musicals for comedic effect. As time went on, and the writing seemed to slip, the musical parodies and lampoons still seemed sharp and fresh.

Sometimes, those songs were the ONLY truly funny things on the shows, and fans clamored for copies of those them, and soon two CDs of songs from the show were released. Even stripped from the context of the show, those songs were inventive and hilarious, and much better than the albums they released of "original songs."

The third volume of tunes from the show, Testify was recently released. It will bring back memories, mostly good, of the past nine seasons of songs...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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