Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Comic Review: 'Afterlife' Volume 1

TokyoPop: Afterlife Volume 1Afterlife Volume 1
Written by Stormcrow Hayes
Art and Lettering by Rob Steen
Foreword by Joshua Dysart
Published by TokyoPop
Cover Price: $9.99; Available Now

What happens when you die? Every religion has an answer. Philosophers debate about it. Artists try to capture it. Scientists try to define it. And they've all got it wrong. There is no Heaven, there is no Hell. There is no punishment for lack of morals or reward for a decently lived life. There are no virgins, no pearly gates, no fire and brimstone. There is only a void of eternity, where every... single... person who has ever lived goes. In this world, Mother Teresa and Hitler stand side by side pondering, L. Ron Hubbard and David Koresh fist fight to pass the time, and priests from the Catholic, Taoist, Hindu, and Buddhist faiths sit in a circle and point fingers at each other. Forever...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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