Monday, October 8, 2007

'Midnight Meat Train' Trailer + Image

Vinnie Jones in Midnight Meat TrainIt's days like this that I'm glad the Empress and I started up this website. We opened our email this morning and lo-and-behold, the makers of the upcoming Clive Barker adaptation Midnight Meat Train apparently read what I wrote about it the other day and took it upon themselves to send us the new trailer for the film (watch it here after the jump). We also have an image (at right) of Vinnie Jones as the character Mahogany and the film's official synopsis.

Well, you can officially call me wrong on my fears about the Jones casting business 'cause after watching this here trailer I have to say that he looks like a hella good fit as Mahogany.

Checkity Checkit, yo!...view the trailer after the jump at Geeks of Doom

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