Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Comic Review: Birth TPB and Novo #1-3

Alterna Comics - Birth Trade PaperbackBirth TPB and Novo #1-3
Written and Created by Michael S. Bracco
Alterna Comics
Birth: Cover price: $8.00; Available Now
Novo: #1-3, Cover price: $3.00; Available Now

Hot alien sex, cool monsters, wild alien technology, huge, bloody war scenes, a progeny, and a world's fight for survival.

You had me at hot alien sex.

One world. Two species. A planet divided. Will they destroy one another or work together to solve their mutual problem? Michael S. Bracco starts his epic with the graphic novel Birth. Alterna Comics then publishes issues 1-3 following the journey of the offspring Novo.

Although it's 88 pages Birth is a swift, smooth read. Take your time and take it all in though because Bracco chronicles the story of a world that has come to its penultimate epoch, thus creating its one chance for salvation, Novo. In it there are whole pages devoted to small single panels that not only show the passage of time and space, but also evoke emotion. Bracco's backgrounds seem especially influenced by manga and they have a very alive, flowing feel. The art seems more etched than drawn. The covers for both Birth and all the Novo issues are in color, however the interiors are all black and white. Whether it is natural or conformed, Bracco's style is perfect for the black and white medium. The waterfront battle scene is very graphic, but the black and white format absorbs some of the horror...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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