Monday, October 1, 2007

DVD Review: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer -- The Power Cosmic Edition

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver SurferLike most comic book loving guys my age, growing up the Silver Surfer was one of my favorite fictional characters. He was a stoic creature who traveled the cosmos on and with nothing but a board, had cosmic powers, and looked cool as fuck. And even though his task was to endlessly seek out inhabited planets for his master Galactus to raze into non-existence, he was strangely benevolent. For me, the Silver Surfer shared top honors with Thor, Hulk, Blackbolt, and Machine Man.

I've always dreamed about seeing the Silver Surfer up on the big screen. What Doug Jones (the actor behind the Surfer body) and the Weta Digital effects crew did in crafting the herald of Galactus in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was quite actually the fulfillment of one of my childhood dreams. It's not often that you can say something like that without being facetious. And not only does the Surfer looks amazing in this movie, thanks to Laurence Fishburne -- who provided the Surfer's voice -- he sounds great, too... BUT ...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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