Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TV Review: 'The Universe' -- Alien Galaxies

The Universe: Alien GalaxiesIn this episode of The History Channel's The Universe series, telescopes are pointed outside of our solar system to explore and contemplate the absolutely daunting massiveness of the universe.

The show starts off with some basic astronomy lessons, as scientists and researchers discuss just how big the universe is and how big our own Milky Way galaxy is by using some simple comparisons of size that our minds can somewhat get a grasp on. For example, if our Sun was the dot of an "i" in a book, the Milky Way would be the size of the continental United States. Scientists discuss the different types of galaxies, as well as other celestial bodies such as quasars...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

Also, don't forget to enter the Geeks of Doom SkyScout Giveaway!


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