Saturday, August 4, 2007

Movie Review: Hot Rod

Hot Rod Poster“I didn’t know that the new hipster uniform is THE LAMEST T-SHIRT YOU CAN POSSIBLY FIND! You know, it’s a little bear in a pot of honey going ‘JESUS WUVS ME THIS MUCH…’ Because it’s your way of going ‘My coolness OBVIOUSLY DEFEATS this douchiness! LOOK at me! I’m AMAZING!’” -- Patton Oswalt

One thing that truly mystified me while watching the trailers of the Lorne Michaels-produced Andy Samberg vehicle Hot Rod is why the GREAT AND ALL POWERFUL Ian McShane of Deadwood and Lovejoy opted to be in a movie that looked about as funny as your grandpa’s punctured colostomy bag. I found out about five minutes in because Frank (McShane) gets in a fight with his stepson Rod (Samberg) and whips the piss out of him...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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