Wednesday, August 29, 2007

'Halloween,' Whiney Horror Fans, and Seamus Heaney

HalloweenNOTE: This was originally going to be a straight review of John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN. Sitting at the keyboard, it just kinda turned into this.

I don't mind that Rob Zombie's remaking Halloween. Really, I don't. My reasons are simple. Take into account that in 1999, Irish author Seamus Heaney had a worldwide international bestseller that was a shock to everyone. Why was it so surprising this book sold an assload of copies?

Because it was a translation of Beowulf, the epic poem that we all had to read in High School English and is widely known to be the oldest story in the history of the English language. I say this to ask a question...continue reading this article at Geeks of Doom!

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