Friday, August 24, 2007

DVD Review: Inland Empire

Inland EmpireI couldn’t possibly tell you what the film’s about, and at this point I don’t know if David Lynch could. It’s become sort of a pastime -- Laura [Dern] and I sit around on set trying to figure out what’s going on.

-Justin Theroux, co-star of Inland Empire

David Lynch has finally outweirded himself with Inland Empire, his self-financed and self-distributed experiment with digital filmmaking. It begins with a desolate sitcom featuring people in rabbit costumes and ends with a dance sequence featuring a lumberjack and a one-legged woman. In between there are shifting levels of reality, dream sequences that pretend they’re set in waking life, and vice-versa. The only thing odder than the movie is the fact that I dig it whole-heartedly. It ain’t Mulholland Drivebut, then, what the hell really is?...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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