Tuesday, August 7, 2007

6 Movies That Should Be Made and the Directors Who Should Make Them

We all have our dream movies. We read a book, play a videogame, or watch an old movie thinking to ourselves “I want to see this on the big screen, and THIS guy would be the right guy to do it!”

I have my dream movies as well. Six of them, as a matter of fact. I just thought I’d share them with you, and maybe you’d kill to see these on the big screen almost as much as I would…

Metal Gear Solid

Michael Bay directing
It has been confirmed that Michael Bay, in his next bit of Spielberg impression, is set to direct the big-screen version of the videogame Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ... And did anyone else get ill just reading that sentence. How can I put any finer an exclamation point on it, other than to say “No?”

The fact that I haven’t liked a single Bay film doesn’t mean I think he’s a bad director. No, I think of him more as a top-of-the-line pistol that hasn’t been fired at anything worthwhile. How about instead of directing a film based on a videogame that had the strong suits of subtlety, magic, and clear storytelling, how about one more suited to Bay’s strengths?

Enter Hideo Kojima’s brilliant-but-flawed Metal Gear Solid. The game that refined the stealth genre into what you see today in games. Hopefully, Bay can fix some of Kojima’s shortcomings (forty minutes of scenes where nothing happens and convolution for the sake of convolution) and vice versa (anything resembling a “plot” in a Michael Bay movie). It’s like they were made for each other.

...continue reading this article at Geeks of Doom!

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