Sunday, March 9, 2008

Comic Review: Henry And Butcher #2

Henry And Butcher #2Henry and Butcher #2
Story by Gonzalo Ventura
Art and Letters by Martin Blanco
Pit Bros. Productions
Cover price: $2.99; Available now

Henry White is still locked away in the "New Sunshine" Mental Health Hospital, and still has no idea why he is here or how he got there. What he does know is that he is being given electrical shock therapy, and it is slowly destroying his mind. It is during one of these sessions that he hallucinates that his dog Butcher is in the boxing ring with him, and trying to knock his mind back into consciousness. After being returned to his cell that night, Henry is given a new revelation when security officer Jack busts into his room...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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