Thursday, March 6, 2008

Book Review: I'm A Lebowski, You're A Lebowski

On this 10th anniversary of the release of The Coen Brothers film The Big Lebowski, here's a look at this awe-inspiring fan compendium that chronicles all things Dude.

I'm A Lebowski, You're A Lebowski BookI'm A Lebowski, You're A Lebowski
By Bill Green, Ben Peskoe, Will Russell, Scott Shuffitt
Cover Price $15.95; Available Now

On the very first page, the Coen Brothers state "they neither have our blessing, or our curse" in the writing of this book. And so begins the awe-inspiring fan compendium, I'm a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski: Life, The Big Lebowski, and What-Have-You, that chronicles all things Dude. When The Big Lebowski hit theaters in 1998 (we're coming up on ten years here!) as the follow-up to the Coen's critically acclaimed Fargo, it performed less than modestly and quickly vanished from the theaters. But those who had seen it, and truly connected with what they saw on screen, coupled with multiple viewings on VHS and the then-dawning DVD format, quickly and quietly turned from fans to fanatics, as they memorized whole passages from the dialogue to recite and began to build their life around the key elements of the film, particularly taking on the qualities of The Dude...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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