Friday, February 15, 2008

Webcomic Review: 'Freak Angels' Episode 0001

Freak Angels Episode 0001Freak Angels
Episode 0001
Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Paul Duffield
Available: Right Now, Bitches!
Price: Free, MutherF*er! Click This!

Ah, webcomics... the red-headed stepchild of the funny book world. Practically anyone can throw one together and set it loose on the wild waves of the interwebs. And maybe it's that simple fact that has kept the webcomic from finding the love and admiration it so desperately craves. Or maybe it's the fact that 90% of what's out there is utter crap. Either way, webcomics are not typically looked upon with fond eyes from the readers of its 4-color printed cousins.

But things may be starting to change. The pendulum might be on a forward swing and webcomics may be finding its web-legs after all. Why? Because people like Warren Ellis are jumping into the game and giving it a level of legitimacy it has not yet seen...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom!

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