Saturday, February 9, 2008

Eleven Questions with T.E. Pouncey: Rafer Roberts

(because ten questions aren’t enough — and who has time to read twelve?)

Rafer RobertsRafer Roberts is the creator of the comic series Plastic Farm. Plastic Farm was originally a self-published series, first appearing as oversized mini-comics in 2001 and then in traditional comic book form in 2003.

Plastic Farm tells the story of Chester Carter and his slow descent into complete madness and how that insanity is changing the world. Along the journey, readers are introduced to a variety of different characters including The Kamikaze Kid, a supernatural cowboy that rides a dinosaur and lives inside of Chester's mind, a washed-up celebrity whose claim to fame was an ability to "inflate" his belly button, a foul-mouthed four-eyed demon monkey, a pair of zombie cops, cannibal farmers, religious zealots, an assassin with a heart of gold, and an airline baggage handler...continue reading this AWESOME interview at Geeks of Doom!

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