Saturday, July 14, 2007

Movie Review: Sicko

Michael Moore's SICKO"If we can find money to kill people, we can find money to help people." -- Tony Benn, "SICKO"

Say what you want about Michael Moore and his views of America, but let me tell you right now that I love the guy as a documentarian. He knows how to get through people's minds, and the man really did got through mine. After watching Sicko, three things went through my mind: 1. How can one of the poorest countries have a great healthcare system, but we, the richest, have a poor one?, 2. How come in other countries, people can help each other, but whenever we ask for help, we are either turned down, or just fucked over?, and 3. What the hell is our excuse for these questions?

Moore first got the idea for Sicko during an interview in his Bowling For Columbine doc, where he was told that Canadians don't have to pay for their healthcare. He realized that this has become an issue in the world and that everyone who tried to make note of it failed. There is a good 50 million people in the United States who don't have healthcare because...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom

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