Monday, July 2, 2007

Comic Review: Morbid Myths

Morbid MythsHIT AND MYTH
Alterna Comics presents a new horror anthology of uncommon quality.

Morbid Myths #2 -- $3
Edited by Chris Carpenter
Stories by Dale Mettan and Dwayne Biddix
Penciled by Dwayne Biddix
Inked by Gary Mitchell
Alterna Comics

There have been horror comic hosts as long as there have been horror comics.

There have been great horror comic hosts (such as The Crypt Keeper and The Old Witch in EC Comics), semi-great horror comic hosts (such as Caine from House Of Mystery and Abel from House Of Secrets over at DC Comics), horror comic hosts who really don't serve any useful purpose (such as Dr. Graves from the old Charlton comic The Many Ghosts Of Doctor Graves), and horror comic hosts that are only there because they were based on TV shows that had hosts (such as The Twilight Zone comics and the comic adaptation of Boris Karloff's Thriller).

The best of the horror comic hosts offer a narrative to introduce the story; tell us how we should feel about the “victim” of the story; (if we should feel sorry for the characters or if they deserve their fate) and then provide a kind of “closure” that gives the reader a sense of safety after they've just seen something terrible...continue reading this review at Geeks of Doom

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